Spider-Man Vs. Venom is an American crossover superhero movie released on June 16th, 2023. This is the sequel to 2021's Spider-Man: No Way Home, is an adaptation of the Maximum Carnage storyline from the comics, and is a crossover between the MCU and Sony' Universe of Marvel Films. The film received mostly positive reviews, with critics praising its fight scenes, characters, visual effects, rap score, story, and faithfulness to its source material.
After he and MJ broke up to keep her safe, Peter Parker faces his biggest challenge of all time: college. He and his new best friend, Miles Morales, enroll at Empire State University, and faces a new horde of foes. Meanwhile, down on his luck photographer Eddie Brock is trying to figure out why there are murders happening. He and his symbiote, Venom, think Spider-Man is the culprit. So they decide to track Spider-Man down, and the two get into a fight. Meanwhile, Carnage is the killer and threatens to bring down both fighters.
- Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man
- West Montez as Miles Morales/Spider-Man II
- Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock/Venom
- Woody Harrelson as Cletus Kasady/Carnage