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The end is nigh.....

Power-Up Heroes: Revengance ​is an 2020 supernatural action comedy adventure film and is the final sequel to the 2019 film, Power-Up Heroes: Ascension and 2017 film, Power-Up Heroes which was based on the 2011 Xbox 360 game, Power-Up Heroes which goes by the same name. Warner Brothers Pictures will distribute the film once again along with New Line Cinema producing it. It will be directed and produced again by Christopher Nolan. 

The film will feature Sam Worthington, Hugo Weaving, Anna Kendrick, Ciara Bravo, Liev Schreiber, Columbus Short, Nancy Allen (voice), Tom Holland (voice), Terry Crews, Anthony Ray Parker, James Franco, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco, Damon Wayans, Jet Li and Zoë Kravitz. Despite a overwhelming budget number at the box office, "Power-Up Heroes: Ascension" was considered a step back from its predecessor, but made enough money in order for one last sequel to be made. Most of the cast returned as well as ome new addition in Anthony Ray Parker. In April 2020, the film was released to acclaim.


Malignance (Hugo Weaving) seems to have finally gotten the upper hand on the Galactic Heroes. While Katherine (Anna Kendrick tries to win her daughter, Sara's (Ciara Bravo) love back after her recent recovery from Malignance, Adam (Sam Worthington) is left on his deathbed, infected with nanobots with a week left to live. And by the end of that week, Malignance will have taken over Earth. But as long as the Galatic Heroes are around, or Adam somehow makes it out alive, there's no quit in any of them. The time was fast approaching for them to destroy Malignance.....once and for all....


  • Sam Worthington as Adam Hale/Volta X/Volta of Death
  • Hugo Weaving as Malignance X
  • Anna Kendrick as Katherine Hale/Chaos X
  • Ciara Bravo as Sara Hale/Shadow
  • Columbus Short as Byron Olson/Scorch
  • Liev Schreiber as Wade Hillard/Bionic
  • Anthony Ray Parker as Moses Brody/Warhammer
  • Terry Crews as Captain Gargen Brody
  • Nancy Allen as Tessa
  • Tom Holland as Zip
  • James Franco as Ed/Necro
  • Isla Fisher as Carla/Soothsayer
  • Jet Li as Orion
  • Damon Wayans as Ross
  • Zoë Kravitz as Azera


As soon as the film starts, we cut to the outside of the Heroes HQ and then we see Katherine Hale (Anna Kendrick) holding her husband, Adam (Sam Worthington) and her daughter, Sara (Ciara Bravo) out of the ship. Byron Olson (Columbus Short) wasn't too far behind.

Katherine: Inside. Come on.

Soon enough, another ship landed on their HQ as Moses Brody (Anthony Ray Parker) stepped out with Orion (Jet Li) and Ross (Damon Wayans) on medical beds.

Ross: Aww man. For a second, I thought I wasn't getting out of there.

Moses: Hey, me and Adam used to have that be our motto: Leave no man behind.

Ross: Well, you sure as hell lived up to it.

Moses had to put his arms over both of them as he carried both of them inside. But he couldn't help, but watch his friend go through emergency care through the windows.

Moses: You better make it out of this, Adam.

Then all of sudden, Bionic (Wade) (Liev Schreiber) came up all of a sudden and landed on HQ. He didn't say Hi or anything like that. He immediately burst inside the doors of HQ.

Katherine: Wade??

Wade: What the hell happened out there?

Katherine: So much really. Lawrence lost his brother. My daughter was brain-washed and almost killed us along with Carla and Ed who are....yeah.....still alive. God knows how. And Malignance is still out there. Besides that...nothing much.

Wade: Nothing much?! My niece got taken up by that metal monstrosity and you call that's nothing much?

Kat: If you cared about her as much as I did, where were you the whole time?

Wade: I was trying to get this fixed.

Kat: Well, I guess that explains the long wait.

Tessa (Nancy Allen): Hey hey hey. Nows not the time. to Wade I understand your reasoning, but you'll have to answer for that when the commander wakes up.

Wade nodded.

Katherine: But he's out with a coma.

Zip (Tom Holland): It's no coma. It's nanobot cocktail. Shadow must've poisoned him. I'm guessing it was while he was with her in one of the cells on the ship.

Katherine just stood back and looks at the medical room where they held Sara.

Katherine: Ooh....she is SO grounded when she wakes up.

Meanwhile, Ross and Moses (Mores) walk into the emergency room as the medics are examining both Adam and Sara. Both tables show a heart monitor showing their usual heartbeat and let us know that both Sara and Adam are barely holding up.

Moses: Are they alright?

Medic #1: The girl, yes. She's just unconscious. She'll make it out of this. But the commander.....not so much. He worries me.

Ross: What do you mean? What's wrong?

Medic #2: See his skin?

Moses: Yeah, its yellow. That's a problem.

Medic #2: Very BIG problem. It's the equivalent of a nanobot cocktail. It doesn't take long for it to infect and kill its host.

Ross just looked down and walked out.

Moses: Wha--hold up a sec. ROSS!

Confused and desperate to get answers, he followed Ross outside.

But little did they know; on the the other table besides Adam, Sara started to twitch excessively as she clinched her fist very tight.

And then.......

(Title Sequence: Power-Up Heroes: ReVengance)

We then cut to a meeting with Katherine, Wade and the rest of the crew.

Katherine: I'm sorry for bringing all of you up to speed on this. I shouldn't haven't to tell you this, but it's urgent: my husband, OUR COMMANDER has been severely poisoned. And from what I've just heard from Zip, there currently is no cure.....

All of the other members either gasped or groaned.

Wade: But.......Me and Byron have been working behind the scenes on an antidote. It won't be enough to completely cure him, but it will give him full function.

Ross: Still.....If there's no cure, how are we gonna fight Malignace without him??

Katherine: We're still working on that. But I barely come glimpse that my husband only has barely a week to survive. It might give us enough time to find a way to subdue the poison, but there's no guarantee.

Tessa: Perhaps, but we can hope.

Zip: There's always hope......

Katherine: Agreed. So....I will let Capetian Mores update an important briefing. I must attend my husband while I still can.

Katherine walked out with tears in her eyes as Moses spoke.

Moses: Before I go further, I wanna take this time to honor Commander Hale. He has been a very dear friend to me since I was young. Now it seems like there's a big part in me that's gone. Please let us take a moment of silence.

They remained silent with their hands in their chests with their faces down.

Katherine had already left the room and went back into the emergency room to check on Adam. Unfortunately, to her surprise, she saw that Sara wasn't there.

Katherine:, no, no, no.....

She saw a little bit of blood on her bed until she felt a tap in her shoulder and turned around.

Sara: Mom.....I'm sorry......

Katherine: Yeah, you better apologize. How could you possibly do this to us? Your father, my husband is poisoned on a hospital bed and he might not be able to walk again because of YOU!

Sara: I--Well, I--

Katherine: Huh?! Yeah, keep talking.

Sara backed up and tried to think about what to say next. But the way her mother was speaking to just came out of her mouth.

Sara: *sighs* You wanna know the truth, Mom?  I'll tell you the truth.....I don't think you know just what type of torture I went through at that moment. Everything just happened so damn fast. That monster used me like a puppet! I was brainwashed! Drugged! Put to sleep in a capsule! I HAD NO F**KING CONTROL OF MYSELF!!!! WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE FOR NOT GETTING TO ME IN TIME??!!!!! HUH??!!!!! YOU AND DAD LET HIM GET ME!!!!

Katherine: Because we---

Sara: Because you're too busy saving the world to protect me. I get that! BUT IF YOU BLAME ME FOR DAD'S SICKNESS, THAN WHY BOTHER SAVING ME???!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't know how many times I was annoyed every time you had to leave me for another mission.You don't know how many times I'd look out the window, wondering if you were ever coming back. I always thought that very soon, we would finally get to spend some time together. But it kept going back and back with each passing day getting more depressing EVERY GODDAMN second. Now, I would've been done at that point. I would've left, but I didn't. I held on and prayed that ONE day, we get the opportunity to be a family again.

Kat was too struck down by what Sara shouted out, that she couldn't argue with anything with anything anymore.

Sara: I guess even that's too hard to ask for.....

She turned around and began walking out.

Katherine: *Tries to catch up* Sara....Sara, I'm sorry!! SARA!!!!!

Sara: Why should you be? You don't need me; you got Dad.....You love him more then you love me anyways.......

Than Sara stormed out in anger and hurt.

Katherine fell on her knees in guilt and sadness.

Meanwhile somewhere on another vague alien world, Maligance X (Hugo Weaving) paid a visit where some space pirates were invading and he came by to make a bargain.

???: *In the shadows* Your offer's tempting. But what's in it for me?

Malignance X: I know what you're searching for in this galaxy and I can help you find it. I also have a sibling who's also a galactic hero. He was even a you.

The pirate stepped out of the shadows revealing himself as Captain Gargan (Terry Crews) who is Moses's brother he told Lawrence about

Gargan: Moses.      

Malignance X: Oooh......*Turns to his "minions"*......what do you say?

His minions, Necro (James Franco) and Soothsayer (Isla Fisher) stepped from out of the shadows.

Soothsayer: Hmm.....I believe that is something we can handle effectively.

Necro: At this point, I think an agreement can be made.

Meanwhile, back up on the ship, Wade was trying to work on the cure he had mentioned earlier, thanks to some assistance from Bryon.

Byron: Are you sure this is gonna work? There's not a whole lot of things that can get rid of nanobots.

Wade: It's worth a shot. He's saved us countless times already. It's bout time we return the favor. Besides, I've learned stuff like this in the military.

Byron: Tell me you remember any of them.

Wade: Uhh--that's a bit of an issue.

Byron: Oh my---

Wade: Look, look I got this. Ok?

He started tapping the needle which had the antidote inside and one cut later, he gets to the medical room.

Wade: Just a minute with him, please.

The medics stood by and let Wade do his thing.

Wade: Adam, buddy. I hate for your death to destroy my sister's hope, so don't you dare freaking go on me, man.

Wade injected it in him and then.......

Meanwhile with Sara, she suited up into her suit and went in the escape pod room

Shadow: *To herself* You hate me so much, Mom? No doubt Dad would feel the same way. So I'll be out of your hair now.

She climbed in one of the pods and launched it out into space as Sara traveled many light years away from HQ. Eventually, she felt a bump and it made her jump up. She slowly came out of the pod just to see she was on another ship and they were strange looking aliens surrounding her. She screamed and hid in the pod till their leader came forth.

Shadow: Back up! I got a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it.

The aliens were speaking in their own language. And it freaked her out. She closed the pod and the aliens kept banging on it. She didn't know what to do and as each bang on the pod started to intensify, the pod finally shattered and Sara woke up back at base.

Sara just looked around and, coming to grips with the reality of what she had done, she buried her hands into her face and cried her heart out.

Azera: Miscommunication and disagreement. Two unlikely formulas that always seem to bind together perfectly. I've seen it all before.

Sara, still with tears in her eyes, slowly looked up and saw Azera at the edge of the doorway.

Sara: Who are you?

Azera: Let's say I'm the one who made your father the person he is right now.

Sara: *breathing heavily and bolts up* In that case, you have a LOT of explaining to do.

Azera: I suppose I do.

She sits down next to her and told her al she knew.

Azera: I've known your father since he was your age. He was the son of your grandfather, Monty Hale, our most genius scientist. That was.....until he was betrayed and murdered by Malignance; but back then he was known by another name, Max, who was also a student of mine. 'Till he got twisted. Malignance's will was to destroy the Galactic Heroes by tearing apart by any tactic necessary, even if it means....killing them. Your father stopped him before, but he found a way back.

Sara: Malignance was your student too??

Azera: That's right. So was Adam's father and then him himself. I can make you my student too. If you are willing to join the Heroes.

Sara: *Sighs* No thanks. I don't think I'm cut out for this anyways. Besides all because I was brain washed and almost killed my dad, my own mom hates ME!!! I should've just run away a long time ago. They'd be more happy enough without me.....  

Sara was about to walk away 'till Azera grabbed her arm.

Azera: As long as the conflict is unresolved, Malignance will wreak havoc upon all of us and you won't have any home to go back to.

Sara: But she---

Azera: There is no easier way to learn the truth then the hard way. It's the truth that hurts the most that matters more then the lies that leave a void in your heart. And the heart is where your parents have always had a place for you. You should be grateful that they are still around looking after you, even after all they've done for the sake of the galaxy.

Azera stood up and was about to walk out, till she turned around and said one lady thing.

Azera: And besides, he wasn't gonna leave anyone behind anyways.

She finally exited the room, and left Sara to her thoughts.

Meanwhile, back on Earth....

Malignance arrived back in New York since the last time he had attacked it and watched the view from

Maligance X: Ahh, New York. Very few has changed since my arrival. Still under some repairs, but I think we can make a few ourselves.

Gargan: You think they will come along with my brother?

Malignance X: If I know young Adam, he will......if he's still breathing that is. But you never told me....Why did you leave your brother behind?

Gargan: We all have to make sacrifices. Mine was just too necessary to avoid.

Malignance X: Well, let's hope your brother can understand that. But first.....a parting gift must be sent to all residents......

He launched a shockwave of his own and wiped out most of Broadway (Uh-huh)

But back at HQ, Sara thought long and hard of what Azera told her, but the way Katherine treated her earlier just got to her so deep, that she couldn't think anymore. So this time, for real, she snuck into one of the pods and headed for Earth, but Malignance saw it landing.

Malignance: Looks like Shadow came through to us after all. *to Gargen* Follow her.....

Back on HQ, Katherine searched the whole place, high and low, for Sara to apologize unaware that she left. But then she bumped into....

Adam: Whoa....easy, babe. Still fragile.

Katherine: Adam?? * Sobs* Oh, Adam!!! *Grabs him and kisses him* I thought you were sick.

Adam: I'm still fragile, but I'm alright. I was just looking for Sara.

Katherine: So was I. You wouldn't happen to know where she is, would you?

Wade: Hey! You made it!

Both of them turned over to him.

Adam: Yeah.....but just barely. I still have a little bit of the cocktail in me, but that antidote should keep me moving for a few more hours.

Wade: Well, that's great to hear, but.....

Wade, unfortunately, broke the conversation between them to break some news.

Wade: We have an unauthorized takeoff on the ship.

Adam: Unauthorized? Oh my god.....Sara......

All three of them rushed into the main room, and went into their suits, but Katherine needed Adam to stay.

Katherine: Baby, I need you to stay here. You're still far from 100% and who knows what's gonna happen to you down there.

Adam: If our daughters down there, I'm not leaving her behind.

Wade: Adam, she's right. That last thing we need right now is my niece mourning at her daddy's funeral

Adam: Wade......

Tessa: Hey.....relax.....They got this, Commander. We still need to get you at 100% strength again.

Mores: Yeah. But don't worry, bro. I'll go with Kat. I'll watch out for her you my word.

Adam: *Nods and turns to Kat* Listen, if you get in to any trouble, don't hesitate to call me. I'll come running faster then a speeding comet, no matter what......

Kat nodded and kissed him again then soon left with the others

Down on Earth, Sara got of the pod and went walking in Central Park, wrapping her own arms around herself.

Sara: "Be lucky they still have a place for you in their heart", she says. Hmph. Easier said than done. She didn't see the way Mom treated me. I was just brain washed for God's sake! It even wasn't me doing all that and she just....ugh! I can't. I'm not going back to them.

Gargan: Sounds like you got a problem, my dear.

Sara: *Turns around* Who are you??

Gargan: Captain Gargan at your service.

Sara: A Captain, huh? Nice title.

Gargan: Title or not, I've had to make way for any obsolete distractions the lot of them may have set foot in front of me. But and I have something in common. Both of our families turned their backs on us. But maybe.....we can help each other out.

Sara: Uhh...No, thanks. I just recovered from......being brain-washed.

Gargan: And that's why your parents betray you?? Not really one to be justified, isn't it? Your actions weren't fault-worthy at large, yet they still accuse you for your errors instead of comforting you in your recovery.

Sara: Yeah....Not to mention they left me behind on my birthday to get me kidnapped.

Gargen: They shower with you nothing but venom and poison.

Sara: Yeah, I just....look, I have to go.

Gargan: Where to? Home? It's not like they'll welcome you back with open arms. I promise they won't wither and die on your hands. But I can guarantee you they'll be punished for it.

Sara was left with what to say and she really couldn't make up her mind.

Back in the ship, it landed in a District section near the World Trade Center and inside, Katherine was, again, getting emotional (But no tears).

Katherine: First I accused Adam for letting Sara get taken and then I yell at my own baby cause--*Argh* I'm a terrible person.    

Wade: Hey. *Hugs her* Relax, sis. There's always conflict between families and siblings out there.

Moses: Conflict? I wouldn't call what they just had a conflict. It was more of a heated discussion.

Wade then hugged Katherine again to try and give her some comfort. But then the tracker beeped.

Computer: Analysis complete. Destination is Central Park.

Wade: Oh god......

Moses: Hey, nobody said it's be a cakewalk.

Katherine: Point taken.

Pretty soon, they landed the ship and put on the cloaking shield as they got out of it and quickly made a beeline for Central Park.

But Wade was the quickest one there.

He landed smack-dab in the middle of the park which just so happened to be where Sara was. She was just sitting on a bench drowned in thought. Gargen wasn't there. (Or was he?)

He slowly took off his suit and just sat down next to her. She was aware that he was there, but said nothing.

Wade: You know, your father and I haven't always seen eye to eye. I mean, back when he first came to Earth, I thought he was some sort of alien trying to kill us; the same with Malignance. But my sister, you're mother was WILD for him. And still is. She did absolutely ANYTHING to make sure that your father was out of harms way. There was no telling of what would've happened if he let that.....thing get us.

Sara: But.....what does all of this have to do with me?

Wade then placed his hand on her shoulder.

Wade: Because if they hadn't cared for you, they wouldn't be around; period. That's the sad reality behind it all: parents are not perfect. They do what they know must be done. And the minute we stop blaming them for everything they did or didn't do, don't know why they did it and get up and go on with their life.......TRUST ME. That's a lot of pressure off your back. They have all intentions of giving you the life you want. But you just need to reach out with open arms.

Sara looked down, then looked back up at him and smiled, for she finally understood.

Katherine and Moses made it to the center of Central Park to find Wade with Sara. He looked towards them and smiled.

Sara soon got up from the bench and walked towards her mother, with a hint of nervousness.

Sara: Mom.....look, I......I just wanted to tell you how--

Katherine: There's no need. You had every right to be mad at us. I'm sorry.

Sara smiles with a little bit of tears in her eyes as they both embrace in a long, deep hug. But then, Gargen stepped out of the shadows.

Gargen: *From behind* Too late for apologies.

They looked over and Gargan fired knock out gas causing them all to cough and then passed out.

Later, they all woke up on Gargan's ship chained to the walls.

Gargen: Welcome. You've all been selected to....

Before he could finish his sentence, he turns and notices Moses.

Gargen: Moses?

Moses: *Looks up* Gargan?

Wade: Wait. You know this guy??

Moses: Know him? He's my brother.

Everyone gasped and looked at Gargen

Sara: You're his brother?

Gargan: *Gets up* So it is true. You're part of the hero patrol.

Moses: Maybe, I wouldn't be if you hadn't left me behind.

Gargan: I was gonna come back for you.


Gargan: We all have to make sacrifices.


Sara: sacrificed your brother??!!!!

Gargan: Come now....You were willing to sacrifice your family because they despise you.

Katherine: No......Sara, that's not true!! I'm sorry!

Sara: You know what.....

Sara spit in his face.

Sara struggled to get out of the chains, but Gargen slapped her.

Wade: Oh you little---

Wade also struggled to get out of the chains, but he broke free and him and Gargen got into a fight.

Gargen may haven't got a suit, but he had skills and he wasn't afraid to put them to use.

Half of the battle, Wade was outmatched until he countered Gargens kick and threw him into the pilots compartment. That gave him enough time to free Katherine and the others from their confinement.

But they were quickly surrounded by other space pirates.

Gargen: Will you EVER understand?

Moses: Oh, I understand all right.

Before they could even finish the conversation, Sara put her suit in and stood above the rest.

Shadow: -*to Gargen* Stay away from my family.....

Shadow attacked Gargan and they busted through the wall. Katherine then activated her suit and went after both of them with Wade and Moses not far behind. They fought all they way up to the deck; but as soon as the others came to assist, just when Shadow knocked Gargan down, Malignance's army popped up everywhere and held their guns up at them

Bionic: We're surrounded.

Chaos: We should fight.

Warhammer: No. We can't possibly defeat this many. We'd be dead in seconds.

Malignance then came through the crowd of his army, laughing maniacally

Malignance X: Chaos. Shadow. Warhammer. Bionic. It's been 25 years. The Galactic Heroes have roamed this universe for 25 years. And at long last.....they are finally no more. We will witness a dawn of a new age.....Where my supreme will arise.

Chaos: You'll never succeed. We beat you before and we'll do it again.

Malignance X: It's looks like you're in no position to fight now.....*Turns to Shadow* My dear Shadow.....I always knew you'd be of some use to me.

Shadow: No....

Moses: What are you talking about?!

Malignance X: Why, your daughter lead all of you right to me.

Chaos: You--you're a liar!

Malignance X: And now that I think about it, I wonder if the poison I extracted in young Sara's weapon managed to crack poor Commander Hale?

Bionic: Your plan failed! We managed to create an antidote! He still lives!

Malignance X: Hmmm.....Pity. But, I suppose nothing will stop him from falling into my next trap. By using all of you as bait!

Chaos: *Gasps* No.....

Moses looked back in disgust, for he had realized his brother was in on this plan.

Malignance X: For you see, I'm throwing a party for my take-over of the galaxy and you're all invited. Curtesy of yours truly. Our dear commander will be our guest of honor.

Shadow: Why are you doing this?

Malignance X: My dearest Shadow. I think the question is why side back with your parents? They'll just neglect you again as they did while growing up.

Katherine: Honey, don't listen to him. 

Malignance X: Gargan even told me you told him they hate you.

Wade: C'mon, Sara. We love you!

Malignance X: What place would you have with parents if they are never there for you, because they despise you?

Katherine: Honey, please! I'm sorry. I'm not perfect. We would never despise and leave you.

Wade turned back around towards Sara and mouthed....

Trust her.....

Sara faced down at first then she looked at Malignance with a frown

Sara: You're going straight to hell......

Malignance X: Hmmm......As expected. Your reputation precedes you.

He then turns to his army and tells them....

Malignance: Bring them to me.

Shadow: This is my fault. It's all my fault.   

Chaos:'s mine.

As the others were forced to put their weapons down and give up their emitters, Adam finally woke up from a vision he had. Nobody else was in the room with him. He tried to catch his breath and to his right, was cassette player. He quietly placed the cassette underneath his bed, for he dreaded the task at hand.

Meanwhile, Tessa and Zip were working out the final kinks on the computer.

Tessa: Hold up. Got it. I think I got it.

Zip: I think you did.

Tessa: Yes!

That's when Adam walked into the room.

Adam: I'm sorry that I kept the two of you worried. I know time is somewhat against us.

Zip: Well, time can't beat thisssssss-ip. We finally were able to crack the code and manufacture it to terminate the virus in the computer.

Tessa: Bout damn time if you ask me.

Adam didn't say anything. He just went to the window and looked out of it, again, anticipating the monumental task ahead of him.

Adam: I'm bout to do something no other Galactic Hero has done before.

Tessa and Zip were stunned by that statement.

Zip: What do you---

Tessa: Wait. Commander, you're not SERIOUSLY suggesting--

Adam turns towards them and spilled it.

Adam: sighs I have a "visit" the space pirates.

Zip: What? But Commander scan reveal you are only 55% of strength.

Adam: It'll have to do. Risking my life for my family's probably is the best thing for it.

Tessa: Even if you do, that's suicide. Everyone who's made it there has yet to return. And if they don't make it, they'd still be ambushed by their defense system. It's a death trap. You wouldn't be able to make it either way.

Adam: You need to believe me. I HAVE to go. I'm not leaving my family behind again.

That's when the hanger doors slid open and Azera came in with Bryon and Orion.

Azera: We've chosen to go with you, Hale.

Zip and Tessa were confused as to why they were all choosing to go on this rather bizarre journey.

Tessa: You'll be fighting a losing battle if you go along with this.

Byron: Then we'll lose together. The same way we started this. Trust me. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Zip: In that case......let me assist you, Commander.

Adam nodded......and eventually they flew out of HQ.

Back on Gargans ship, Sara looked out a window in a cell as they saw they were heading for Malignance's command ship. Wade and Moses were in another cell not too far away from theirs.

Katherine then patted her on the shoulder.

Katherine: Daddy's gonna find us, hun.  

Sara: I'm sorry I had to drag all of you into this. You've all been so good to me for all my life and I never appreciated it. Running away and hurting your feelings.

Katherine: Oh baby it's ok if I hadn't yelled at you we wouldn't be in this mess. It's mainly my fault.

Wade was getting frustrated and started to bang on the cell door. He got a few objects and try to break it down, yet that didn't work.

Wade: You. Won't. Take. Us. Alive!

Mores: *Slaps him* Get ahold of yourself!!! We're gonna make it!!

Wade sat down and looked out the window, staring out into space.

Wade: better make it, man. We don't have long.....

They soon felt the ship landing. Some robotic soldiers on the ship took them off and dragged them into the base. All of them, even Sara got placed in one cell.

Robot soldier: And do not try escaping. *Locks the cell door* You're not smart enough to outthink us.

He slowly walks away letting them know that they'll be watching them. Wade places his hand on Sara's shoulder and hugs her.

More coming soon.....


  • Sara Hale/Shadow
  • Katherine Hale/Chaos X
  • Wade Hillard/Bionic
  • Moses Brody/Warhammer
  • Byron Olson/Scorch


  • Ed/Necro-
  • Carla/Soothsayer -
  • ???
  • Captain Gargen -
  • Malignance X -
  • ???


Coming soon.......

Main Cast Gallery

Featured Songs

  • Instrumental Core Music - Battlefield
  • Drake Hunt - Broken Dreams
  • ???